In this video I am going to tell you the things that can cause a car to produce smoke and how to fix these problems.
The first thing to know is that depending on the type of smoke you can check several things and parts that cause this type of problem.
First we will start with BLUE smoke

This type of smoke color may be due to an oil consumption problem. This oil may be passing through and burning in the combustion chamber, which causes the gas expelled by the exhaust to have a bluish color.
The causes of this smoke color are varied:
- The pistons do not fit properly due to poor engine condition and oil is accessing the combustion chamber.
- The turbo is out of adjustment and oil is leaking from the circuit into the intake chamber.
- Using oil with the wrong density, which when the temperature rises, it becomes very fluid and causes leaks through valves and seals.
The black smoke indicates that we have a bad combustion inside the cylinders, an excess of fuel that is not burned or it can also be due to a lack of air. This causes black smoke to come out of the exhaust.
Depending on the type of vehicle engine (gasoline or diesel), the causes are very diverse, although in both cases it may be due to a dirty air filter or faults in the intake components.
It is also necessary to differentiate the case in which black smoke comes out only at the moment of full throttle in diesel engines. In this type of engine the accumulation of carbon is more pronounced due to its lower combustion efficiency. For this reason they are equipped with gas elimination systems such as FAP, EGR, etc., and when the accelerator pedal is fully depressed, any carbon that may have accumulated is expelled through the exhaust. If this smoke disappears after acceleration, there is no need to worry, but if it remains, there is a more serious fault.

This is one of the most common types of exhaust fumes.
It usually comes from the presence of water during the combustion process, although we must distinguish this type of smoke between gasoline and diesel vehicles.
In gasoline engines: white or grayish smoke may be due to a fault in the cylinder head gasket. It may be broken or cracked.
In diesel engines: white smoke in diesel engines can also be due to a fault in the cylinder head gasket but is less common. It is usually due to faults in the injection system or in the glow plugs.
This is one of the most common types of exhaust fumes.
It usually comes from the presence of water during the combustion process, although we must distinguish this type of smoke between gasoline and diesel vehicles.
- In gasoline engines: white or grayish smoke may be due to a fault in the cylinder head gasket. It may be broken or cracked.
- In diesel engines: white smoke in diesel engines can also be due to a fault in the cylinder head gasket but is less common. It is usually due to faults in the injection system or in the glow plugs.